Hi, welcome to my personal lifestyle blog 🙂
My name is Francis Chin and I am glad you are here.
What do I write about you asked ? Well, every thing about my life experiences that I felt like sharing. I was thinking to capture my thoughts, feelings and memories into words, so that many years down the road, when I look back, at least I have something worthwhile to remember.
I love Travel, Food and Technology. Professionally, I am involved in Training business and I am also a Sales Trainer & Consultant.
But striped out all those stuff I do to make a living, I am just a normal person married with 2 great daughters.
I believed life is meant to be experienced. Going to places we have not been, try new food, meet new people and most importantly, embrace the experience of the moment, a sacred place that only exists between the past and the future.
May you find helpful tips, useful information and relevant insights among my posts to inspire you to experience the life you born to experience !
Appreciate you all.
Francis Chin